Not sure what type of lawyer you need? Click on the practice areas below for more information or call 410-539-5936 ext. 111 to speak to someone in person.
About Us
The Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS)* was established in 1954 by the Bar Association of Baltimore City. We realize that the legal process can sometimes be overwhelming and intimidating. Our service offers confidential, personal and hands-on assistance.
Through our legal hotline, we can offer you:
- Referrals to Qualified Private Attorneys
- General Legal Information and Answers
- Referrals to Alternative Resources and Programs
- Reduced Fee Services to the Low-Income
We are certified and receive national accreditation by the American Bar Association.
*Disclaimer: LRIS’ website is designed to provide general information to the public and is not intended to offer legal advice. Contacting LRIS does not create an attorney-client relationship. If your legal problem is an emergency, you should consult an attorney immediately.
Contact Us
If your case is urgent and you don’t have access to a computer, call 410-539-3112, Mondays & Wednesday 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. You can also CLICK HERE and fill out our attorney request form, which is available 24/7.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS)?
LRIS is a public service of the Bar Association of Baltimore City. LRIS’ mission is to assist the public in obtaining qualified legal counsel, to provide general legal information to the public, and to inform the public of other resources that may be able to provide assistance.
How can the Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) help me?
Whether you are buying a home, starting a business, dissolving a marriage, or settling a dispute, LRIS can put you in touch with a qualified and experienced lawyer that may be the solution to your problems.
Can I visit LRIS’ office for a referral?
LRIS solely operates online 24/7, or during intake hours. CLICK HERE to fill out the online form. Intake hours are Mondays & Wednesdays between
10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m, call 410-539-3112,
What will it cost?
Some of our services are free, and others require a nominal fee.
To Receive a Referral to a Qualified Attorney: There is a fee of $35. This fee is paid to LRIS and entitles you to a half-hour consultation with the attorney in their office. During or after the consultation, representation fees and services will have to be arranged between you and the attorney if you decide to hire the attorney.
Some Consultations Are FREE: If it is determined that you are in need of a referral, the $35 fee is waived for matters related to: Lead Paint, Malpractice, Personal Injury, Social Security Disability, SSI, Unemployment, Worker’s Compensation and to all Active Members of the Military.
Can I receive a referral to a pro bono lawyer (someone who works completely for free)?
All of our lawyers are in private practice and do not work for free. If after the consultation you decide to hire the lawyer we referred you to, depending on the area of law, our attorneys are paid on an hourly, flat fee or contingency basis. The details of fees should be addressed during your consultation. If you have limited means, LRIS offers reduced fee services through its Access to Justice Program and for certain legal matters, Contact us for more information.
Helpful Links
Baltimore City Legal Services Directory
Baltimore City’s Public Defender’s Office
Circuit Court of Baltimore City
Legal Aid Bureau
Maryland Court System
Maryland State Bar Association
The People’s Law Library of Maryland
Office of the Mayor
Accredited LRIS’ in other states